Horsethief trail/fire road Japatul CA

I have been looking at this motherload for a while. 15mi bike n hike
with 30 finds. My favorite was "manzanita tree frog". Most were easy
to find. This took me all day. There was a lot of stopping which was
good because it was quite the elevation change. Been a long time since
I have got out the bike, my thighs are killing me :). I found a hole
onthe string of caches and hide one of my own. Coming soon. HorseFly

All in all it was a great day and some great Geocaches. Had really
good fixes on the GPS, must be that new satellite! Great adventure!

Mother's Day morning view from Viejas Peak in Alpine. Took the early hike up about 1.7 miles of up hill. The view is of Alpine. The trail is pretty steep with only bits without grade until you get to the top. 

Today, geocaching was like my golf game:
walk 160 yards stop and look for something in a bush, walk another 160' yards and look for something in a bush. 
All together there is a dozen hides along the trail with the final one at the top. I found all but one :( DNF! 
The Cache at the top is named 

Tax Freedom Cache because it was placed on April 17, 2005. I heard that someone calculated that to be the day this year after which the average American would be earning his or her own money, if they had been paying everything in taxes up until then. 

I will do this hike again. CLose to where I live, if you just hike round trip would take about an hour and good training for the Uintas this summer.   

Once on top I sat and had a BP&J and in an area where campers, back in the 70's, stacked rocks to break the wind. The sad part was they they used stones from a winter solstice observatory built by the native inhabitants. (infomation taken from the Tax Freedom Cache page)

There is also two Benchmarks on top dated 1938. They are part of a triangulation station hammered into the Boulders

It was a good day and a good morning work-out (like I work out - LOL)  

"Let's Go Caching"

Ancient SUV

No gas guzzler here. Excellent family transpertation and green!
Imagine moms dropping off the kids at the soccor fields in this. Nice!

Alpine Ca.

Pretty much the first cache you come to in Alpine. Nice wheel. Can you see it? Now that I am a resident in the area, I have many more nice hides to find. I took a short walk and found three. There is a puzzle cache just down the street that will take some googling. 

Alpine is an unincorporated community in San Diego County lying on a relatively flat plateau in the Cuyamaca Mountains. The location of Alpine is not precisely defined since it is not incorporated. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Alpine is located at N 32 50.103 W 116 45.985 which is near the intersection of Alpine Boulevard and Tavern Road. 

See more about the history of Alpine, CA at